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A tram in Algiers |
I have heard
it said many a time in reference to Algeria that it is a ‘third world country’,
and I finally decided to look up the term and found to my surprise that this is
an outdated description. During the Cold
War era the First World consisted of those countries that aligned with NATO
such as those in Europe, United States etc, The Second World countries were
those that sided with the Communist Bloc like the Soviet Union, China, Cuba etc
and The Third World were the rest of the world!
A lot of these countries had a colonial past such as those in Africa,
Asia and Latin America. Nowadays the
term Third World has been replaced with the more politically correct
‘Developing Country’ or ‘Less Developed Country’.
It may
surprise some to note that Algeria is considered to be a ‘High Human
Development’ country under the Human Development Index (HDI) which according to
Wikipedia ‘is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education,
standards of living, and quality of life for countries worldwide. It is a
standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. It is used to
distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an
underdeveloped country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on
quality of life.’ According to the World
Bank ‘Algeria is classified as an upper middle income country’ (Wikipedia).
I don’t blame
people (which is very nice of me I think!) who come from highly developed
countries such as Europe, Canada, United States, Australia etc. for thinking
that Algeria is a poor country. To all
outward appearances it may seem so. For
me whenever I return to England and Ireland I am immediately struck by the
apparent affluence that I see everywhere.
The one thing that always hits me is the way so many of the streets are
so nicely organised with rows upon rows of nice neat houses, all exactly the
same height, same architecture, same distance from the street, same front and
back gardens, with pavements that are smooth and unobstructed. In contrast to Algeria where it looks as if
some lunatic got a position in town planning and just went berserk. Someone will start to build a house beside a
road, then someone else buys a plot on the same road and builds a completely
different kind of house. As time goes by
more and more people buy plots, build a structure according to their financial
ability, so that in time you have a street with some houses one story, others
have moved up a few floors, some are finished, others not, some have a nice
façade and others still have cement and brickwork showing. While all this building has been going on,
the road has deteriorated immensely what with the vast quantities of lorries
rumbling up and down with loads of cement and bricks and metalwork, and the
digging up of the road to insert pipes for water etc. not once, but several
times. The pavement, if there was one to begin with, has all but disappeared
under mounds of sand and cement, or piles of bricks. I have often thought that Algiers is just one
immense building site, because in addition to new building blocks and houses,
and other amenities there are new roads being built and the construction of the
tramway. There is dust and dirt
everywhere and nowhere looks neat and clean.
Even in old established parts of the city such as Bab El Oued, Haraach,
etc. the buildings have been so overcrowded that buildings have been added on
to the top, the sides, or wherever there is a space to plonk a room, so the
once neat white buildings with their light blue shutters and balconies look
like they are sprouting in all directions.
When I first
came to Algeria in 1987 there was a lot of frustration among the younger
generation who lived in cramped accommodation with their parents and several
siblings, and who often had to wait for the older ones to get married before
they themselves could consider it. And,
even then, often there was no hope for them to do so as there was nowhere for
them live with a new wife or husband.
Families converted balconies into rooms and built rooms on the terraces,
but it just wasn’t enough. Since then
houses and streets have erupted from land where there once were orange and
lemon orchards, and there seems to have been an explosion of building works
everywhere, so much so that nowadays many couples opt to rent an apartment at
the beginning of their married life.
It’s still very common for the new wife to live with her husband and his
family, but more and more are choosing to live apart from their families.
Over 10 years
ago it was quite easy to buy a plot of land and build a home exactly the way
you wanted to for a reasonable price, but since we arrived the prices have sky
rocketed and the cost of building has also increased. At the same time more couples are choosing to
continue working even after parenthood in order to get on the property ladder,
or are living in apartments adjacent to their inlaws. The time of the terrorism
in the 90s, the big flood in Bab El Oued
in 2001and the earthquake in 2003 meant that a lot of people had to be put into
temporary housing, euphemistically called ‘chalets’ and you would think that
these people crammed into a tiny space would be ecstatic at being rehoused, but
usually the military has had to oversee rehousing of these estates because so
many people refuse to move, or protest against it as they are unhappy with the
area where they are being rehoused or the type of accommodation. 10 years ago across from the car park in
front of the apartment block where we lived, there was a ramshackle shanty town
comprised of brickwork and corrugated iron, which had grown up without any
official permission, and when these people were being rehoused a lot of them
refused to move because they didn’t want to live in a high rise apartment after
being accustomed to a small outdoor space where they could raise livestock or
grow vegetables.
In some areas
just outside Algiers you will still see children sitting at the side of the
road selling homemade produce such as the Algerian bread or vegetables or fruit,
or walking along the beaches selling homemade doughnuts or mint tea. This is more common during the summer when
the school is on holidays, but child labour like this is not something you see
in developed countries in the West, not nowadays anyway. At the same time, from what I have seen, Algerians
are very ambitious for their children and education is very highly valued…..and
free right up to and including University level.
There are
areas where people live in homes with no running water, gas connection or phone
lines, but often these homes were built in isolated parts of the country where
these amenities had not reached as yet.
At the vast rate of building expanse these homes are not isolated for
very long and before you know it there is a whole town of housing which has
sprung up without any kind of planning and all lacking these important
amenities. But that doesn’t mean that
they have no water or gas or phone……A very common sight here is a small lorry
with a small tank on the back with a long hose attached which will fill up a
water cistern or other containers for a small fee. Gas is very cheaply bought in gas bottles and
attached to cookers and even heating systems.
And even some children here now have mobile phones, they have become so
common. And somehow…..everyone has
electricity, although in some areas this can come and go at an alarming
regularity. But then when you see how
many people have hooked their electricity supply illegally to one source it’s
not surprising that the demand often exceeds supply and the system goes into
When you
think of a third world country you don’t associate it with a tramway, trains,
or even a metro, all of which Algeria has now.
Admittedly the distance that the metro reaches is very short at the
moment and the tramway is still in the process of spreading its tentacles’,
although the progress so far has made a huge difference to the quality of
travel in and around the city of Algiers, and for an affordable fee. When we arrived in the country 10 years ago,
both the metro and the tramway seemed a pipe dream, and people would not even
consider using the train lines between the capital and it’s second and third
cities on either end along the coastline, Oran and Constantine, because during
the 90s and for a long time after there was a danger of the train being
hijacked. Nowadays people travel by
train without a second thought.
There is a
free health care system here too, with a local free clinic within walking
distance of most people. It’s true that this
free clinic is basic, but it can be useful as a first port of call for minor
injuries and illnesses.
Stock in most
shops here are very limited in variety in comparison to the West, and a lot of
foreign foods sold in the few supermarkets here are expensive. I found myself staring at a pre-packaged meal
in one of the supermarkets here and wondering to myself, who on earth would buy
that kind of thing here in Algeria …..a meal like that wouldn’t go very far in
the average home here, and most people would look down their noses at
something not cooked from scratch at home anyway. But they are sold here, so someone must be
buying them….someone with money.
I suppose
what I’m trying to say, in the most long winded fashion ever, that Algeria, for
all its faults and idiosyncrasies is not the backward country that the title
‘Third World Country’ brings to mind for me at any rate. I think it’s true to say that if you compare
the worst of Algeria with the best of a Western country, then Algeria doesn’t
fare too well. But then, I tend more to
compare Algeria to how it was when I first came in 1987, and, even more
recently to how it was 10 years ago when we first moved here, and I can see how
it has progressed in leaps and bounds.
It has a long way to go still, but then it only has had its independence
for 50 years and is only now, finally, making up for lost time.
I don’t think that there are many Third
World, Underdeveloped or Developing countries where I could have good enough
internet access to maintain a blog! But
then…..in some minds….that might be considered a blessing!
Finally, forget
everything else, my definition of a fully developed country is one that sells
Cadbury’s chocolate. Guess what I found
the other day in a tiny local supermarket???
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Hi Evelyn, now that your blog link came up on my website I've been able to have a gander. I will defiantly take more time to read through everything. Love what you are doing here. Anything that promotes the great stuff about Algeria is such a good thing. I enjoyed reading the post about Algeria being third world its very accurate. Cheers Anita
ReplyDeleteThank you Anita for your lovely comment - please feel free to have a wander around! And....at the risk of sounding like the mutual admiration society (!) I love your observations on Algeria both on Facebook and on your blog!
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon your blog while doing some research on Algeria (just to know more about my country) and I have to say, I couldn't agree more with everything you said on this post. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
Walaykum asalaam wa rahmatulah!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you agree! I LOVE your country....even though it drives me mad at times....and there is always more good than bad here Alhamdulilah! BarakAllahufiki for commenting.
Hi evelyn my son and I were dicussing about whether algeria is a thrid world country, him saying yes and me saying no.
ReplyDeleteHe found your blog and read it to me, and i didnt realise you had written it until the very end.
I agree with what everything you've said
Alhamdullilah! Wonder if your son still thinks the same or is he a convert?????
ReplyDeleteI believe there is no such a thing of third world , it was just planted to people’s head , Algeria is a beautiful country with its nature and good beautiful culture that gathers the most famous cultures in the world , and you can just find it there , history to revolution to challenging .
Walaykum asalaam BarakAllahufik for your comment - yes it IS indeed a beautiful country with a very rich history and diversity of cultures, but most of all, a very hospitable and welcoming people Alhamdullilah!